Monthly Archives: August 2013

Primary Results: Ideas Trump Money — Sue Peters’ campaign is earning votes, not buying them

Source: PDC reports through 8/19/2013, includes independent Political Action Committee (PAC) and in-kind donations. Certified election returns as of 8/20/2013.

The results are in, and my campaign finished the primary with nearly 43 percent of the vote in a three-way race. After garnering 41 percent on election night, my margin gradually rose while my opponent’s gradually decreased.  The final numbers give her only a 4.5 percent lead. It’s all pretty incremental and the final tally is quite close.

What isn’t close is how much money we spent on our campaigns and how we chose to get out the vote. My opponent outspent me by 8:1, paying political consultants to help her craft her message and campaign.  My community-based, all-volunteer campaign spent roughly 77 cents per vote;  my opponent’s campaign spent roughly $6 per vote.

Additionally, some of my opponent’s supporters formed a PAC and spent $32,500 trying to discredit my candidacy with two dishonest attack mailers.

In contrast, my volunteers and I opted to encourage voters to vote for me, with truthful information and 100 percent volunteer, grassroots support.

Fiscal Responsibility Begins with My Campaign

I believe that fiscal responsibility begins right here, with my campaign. As we all know, our schools are woefully underfunded and our state is not meeting its paramount duty to fully fund K-12 public education. Making smart use of limited resources is a crucial skill every school board director will need, and I am demonstrating my commitment to this principle with my campaign.

Trying to buy your way into winning an election is one strategy. Earning votes through true community engagement and fact-based ideas and solutions is my strategy.

Join my campaign!
Spread the word!

Donate Button with Credit Cards

Or send a check to: SUE PETERS FOR SEATTLE SCHOOL BOARD, 2212 Queen Anne Avenue North, #611, Seattle, WA 98109


My Thank You to Diane Ravitch and the Network for Public Education


from Diane Ravitch’s blog:

Sue Peters Says Thank You and Outlines Her Vision for Seattle Education

By dianerav
August 8, 2013 //

Seattle just held its local elections, and Sue Peters won a spot in a run-off election for the Seattle school board. She won 41% of the vote, despite being vastly outspent, and her opponent won 47%.

Sue wrote the following letter, thanking the Network for Public Education for providing its endorsement, which identified her as the real education supporter.

Please send her support if you can. Her website is here.  I just made a contribution via Paypal.

I thought that readers would want to read her description of her vision for the Seattle public schools:

I just wanted to extend my deepest thanks to you and NPE for the timely and meaningful endorsement of my candidacy. It came at a crucial time, right when my opponent’s side chose to go negative (twice!), and as we led up to the primary election.

Diane, thank you for your tweet on my behalf as well.

Locally, people are very impressed by this honor and support, and nationally I have received a constant flow of donations ever since the endorsement and tweet.

And here’s more good news: Last night I qualified for the general election, earning 41 percent of the vote so far (with 50 percent of ballots counted). (My opponent is at 47 percent at the moment.) This is despite being outspent 6-1, without hiring political consultants, and without resorting to smear tactics against my opponent. I am proud of my authentic, community-based campaign which has focused on the issues and maintained its integrity. I am confident that my positive and constructive message, and the value of my nearly decade of knowledge of the Seattle Public School District, will resonate with voters throughout the city as we go forth into the general election.

Here is what I support:

  • Fiscally and academically responsible decisions that prioritize directing resources to the classroom and our kids.
  • An education system that embraces & celebrates the individuality and diversity of our children & helps each child fulfill his/her potential.
  • A rich, engaging curriculum that includes the arts, sciences, math, humanities, music & P.E.
  • Decisions and policies that reflect the needs of our schools and families.
  • More teaching & learning, less testing.
  • Respect for teachers.
  • Keeping public education public.

Thank you all again.



Sue Peters Advances to the Nov. 5 General Election!

Election Night brought great news — 41 percent of the vote (and still counting) and we advance to the November 5 election!

I’m proud of my genuine, grassroots campaign, powered by dedicated volunteers and savvy, experienced public education champions.

Despite being outspent  by about 6-1, my  campaign has clearly resonated with many voters. As we advance to the  general election, I will continue to conduct a strong, community-responsive campaign focused on the issues, and take our message to the whole city.

A big THANK YOU to all my volunteers, and to all the voters who have supported my candidacy this far.

UPDATE! As of August 8, my total has increased to 42 percent of the votes tallied.


Breaking News! Sue Peters Endorsed by Diane Ravitch’s Network for Public Education

I have been endorsed by Diane Ravitch’s national public education advocacy organization, the Network for Public Education.

endorsement sue peters

“Help elect Sue Peters to Seattle School Board, a champion of public education.” — Diane Ravitch


Donate Button with Credit Cards

Or send a check to: SUE PETERS FOR SEATTLE SCHOOL BOARD, 2212 Queen Anne Avenue North, #611, Seattle, WA 98109


Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Sue Peters for Seattle School Board!


  1. Sue Peters is the only candidate with nearly 10 years of extensive experience with Seattle Public Schools (SPS), and has firsthand knowledge of the district’s communities, challenges, successes and goals.
  2. Sue is the only candidate with current experience in elementary, middle, and high school, in SPS.
  3. She is a proven local and national leader in education advocacy, as a founding member of Parents Across America, the Seattle Math Coalition, and the Seattle Education blog.
  4. Sue is the only candidate who has served on two Seattle School District task forces: the Superintendent Search Community Focus Group (2012), and the Strategic Plan Stakeholder Task Force (2013).
  5. Sue has analyzed and written about public education policy and practices for the past 5 years, as a journalist with a Master’s degree from Stanford.
  6. As a parent advocate, Sue has spoken up about important issues like school closures, the need for strong curricula, student safety and privacy, the problems with the MAP test, and has spoken alongside education historian Dr. Diane Ravitch about the importance of including the voice of parents in public education.
  7. Sue supports an education system that embraces & celebrates the individuality and diversity of our children.
  8. Sue supports a greater investment in teaching and learning, and less testing.
  9. Sue is endorsed by a broad progressive coalition that includes: The Stranger, Democratic and labor organizations, such as the 11th, 32nd, 34th, 36th, 37th, and 43rdDistrict Democrats, the King County and the Metropolitan Democrats, the National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington, M. L. King Jr. County Labor Council, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 609, The Teamsters Joint Council No. 28; State Senators Maralyn Chase & Bob Hasegawa, State Representatives Gerry Pollet & Joe Fitzgibbon, King County Councilmember Larry Gossett, four of her seven future colleagues on the school board, education leaders like Cliff Mass, parents & teachers district-wide.
  10. Sue has a longtime proven commitment to keeping public education public, and she will represent YOU!
  11. *BONUS REASON!* Sue is the only candidate not funded by corporate supporters of charter schools nor backed by a Political Action Committee that has spent $32,500 on negative and dishonest campaigning. (


What colleagues, neighbors, parents & teachers say about Sue Peters

“Having worked across the table with Sue in the district Strategic Planning Task Force work these past months, I want to support her offer to run for the school board. She’s got the right sort of insight and savvy to represent parents and students in addressing the decisions faced by our Seattle Public Schools.” – Craig Seasholes, Librarian, Sanislo Elementary School, and 2013 Strategic Plan Stakeholder Task Force Member
“When election time comes this fall, vote for Seattle School Board candidates that support good math.  Sue Peters, is a strong advocate of strong math textbooks for our city’s kids.  I know she would make an excellent school board member.” Cliff Mass, UW Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, KPLU weather commentator, and math advocate

“I look forward to Sue applying her considerable intellect, integrity, thoughtfulness, and compassion to the Seattle School Board. I can’t  think, in all sincerity, of another person I would rather have representing the interests of Seattle’s students in that capacity. Go, Sue!”  – Tim Richards, parent

Sue Peters for Seattle School Board, District 4
2212 Queen Anne Avenue North, #611, Seattle, WA 98109

(updated 9.24.13)